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自考00838语言与文化(B)章节笔记:Chapter 2(9)

2018-09-29 12:00来源:福建自考网
Chapter 2. Words and Meaning(9)

  3.4 Words and reflected meaning
  Green house: (E: emphasize its function, while Chinese view its from its physical characteristic.)
  Black tea: (E: named it after the colour of tea(leave),  C: named it after the colour of tea(water colour)
  Ferrous metal: (E: according its ingredients. C: according their colours)
  Snakehead: (E: its head is its distinctive feature, C: it is its colour )
  Sun spot: (a spot black in colour)
  Wall clock: (E: where clocks can be found is the distinctive feature, C: emphasize the ways in which they are used.)
  Stop watch: (E: emphasize its mechanic quality, C: lay stress on the purpose for which it is used)
  Contact Lenses: (English speaker views the way they used, but Chinese attracted to their invisibility)
  Business Card:  (it is used stand out in E, and its content is foregrounded in C)
  Marble-hearted: (it is a specific term in Englsih, but a general term in Chinese)
  Wood pulp:纸浆(english reminds us of the raw material, Chinese term the product)
上一篇:自考00838语言与文化(B)章节笔记:Chapter 2(8)

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