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    A. goal

    B. hug

    C. entered

    D. run

    E. promise

    F. true

    G. proud

    H. rest

    I. get through

    J. encouraging

    K. testing

    L. preparing

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    更多题目 请在 下方输入框 内输入要搜索的题目:

    The improvements the airlines attempt at include all the following EXCEPT   (  )

    • A、making their seats more comfortable
    • B、 providing better food during flights
    • C、showing more movies during the long flights
    • D、offering sleeperettes to first-class passengers

    Sir Walter Raleigh sent some people to Virginia for a year in 1585.(  )

    • A、Right

    • B、Wrong
    • C、Not mentioned

    With John Cabot' s arrival at an island off the New England coast in 1497 ,the British Crown claimed to be the legal owner of North America.(  )

    • A、Right
    • B、Wrong
    • C、Not mentioned

    Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to a member function fetch_array() on boolean in /www/wwwroot/www.fjzikao.net/phpcms/libs/classes/db_mysqli.class.php:153 Stack trace: #0 /www/wwwroot/www.fjzikao.net/phpcms/model/get_model.class.php(30): db_mysqli->fetch_next() #1 /www/wwwroot/www.fjzikao.net/caches/caches_template/default/content/yzb_exam_detail.php(142): get_model->fetch_next() #2 /www/wwwroot/www.fjzikao.net/phpcms/modules/yzb/exam.php(293): include('/www/wwwroot/ww...') #3 /www/wwwroot/www.fjzikao.net/phpcms/libs/classes/application.class.php(31): exam->detail() #4 /www/wwwroot/www.fjzikao.net/phpcms/libs/classes/application.class.php(19): application->init() #5 /www/wwwroot/www.fjzikao.net/phpcms/base.php(251): application->__construct() #6 /www/wwwroot/www.fjzikao.net/phpcms/base.php(153): pc_base::_load_class('application', 'libs/classes', 1) #7 /www/wwwroot/www.fjzikao.net/phpcms/base.php(135): pc_base::load_sys_class('application') #8 /www/wwwroot/www.fjzikao.net/index.php(15): pc_base::creat_app() #9 {main} t in /www/wwwroot/www.fjzikao.net/phpcms/libs/classes/db_mysqli.class.php on line 153