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  • 福建自考网> 试题题库列表页> 18.(单选)Paragraph③()(本题1分)


    卷面总分:100分     试卷年份:2023年10月    是否有答案:    作答时间: 150分钟   

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    • A、How I keep a good sense of taste.

    • B、You can taste chocolate like a professional.

    • C、Tasting chocolate requires skills.

    • D、

      Tasting chocolate is not as sweet as you think.

    • E、Tasting chocolate is the best job ever.

    • F、I'm still a chocolate lover.

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    更多题目 请在 下方输入框 内输入要搜索的题目:

    4.(单选)John told his son to make a call for help.()(本题1分)

    • A、True   

    • B、False 

    • C、Not Given

    24.(单选)I ate a lot of chocolate()(本题1分)

    • A、is old or fresh

    • B、is made of cocoa

    • C、your tasting

    • D、after I taste each sample

    • E、before I became a taster

    • F、the appearance of chocolate



    Ambition Can Lead to Success

    Since his early years Reid had been thinking(think)of changing the world.As he grew 41________(old)he became interested in the Internet and the tech industry.At first, he started a social network.But 42________(fortunately)he faced big problems that forced him to stop.

    One day Reid got an idea.It was to provide a 43________(solve) for people to pay online. They could use their emails instead of credit 44________(card). Reid called his idea PayPal. PayPal faced tough competition from large credit card companies.It was hardly 45________(profit), but after a long struggle,it became 46________(success).

    Reid was not 47________(satisfy).He kept searching for the next big thing that can help him improve people's lives.One day he 48________(find) that people spend a lot of time 49________(look)for jobs online.So he decided to create a website that connects employers with job seekers and 50________(name) it LinkedIn.


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