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自考00838语言与文化(B)章节笔记:Chapter 1(2)

2018-09-29 11:34来源:福建自考网
  Chapter 1.Language, Culture and Thought.(2)
  2.Definitions and properties of culture
  Definitions of culture(can be defined as attributes of man or lifeway of a population)
  Culture in its broad sense(it is the attributes of man. 1.marterials man has got to satisfy his needs; 2. social institutions and organizations man has established; 3. knowledge about nature and man himself and artistic development; language and other communication systes; 5. customs, habits and behavioural patterns; 6. value systems, world views, national traits, aesthetic standards and thinking patterns. Culture in its broad sense is also called “large C culture” or “academic culture”)
  Culture in its narrow sense( is called “small c culture” or “”anthropological culture, includes knowledge, belief, art, morals, law, customs and other capabilities and habits acquired by man as a member of a society)
  Properties of culture(culture is human specific; culture is a social phenomenon; culture is a national phenomenon; culture is also a historical phenomenon. Culture is general and abstract. )
  odels for the analysis of culture(key question; [it is import to have key questions in mind when observing and studying culture. It help promote systematic observation.]; the thematic model; [he emphasizes three cultural elements: values, traits and world views.]; seven facets [a patterned activity; the appropriateness of such an activity; the particular subject, the doer, the object toward which the behaviour is directed, the recipient of the behavior; of the behavior; some means external to both the subject and object of the behaviour; the purpose of the activity; the result of the activity.] (一系列活动;活动的适当性;活动的详细主题,实行者;活动实行的外部手段;指导主体与客体,活动的目的;活动的结果。))
上一篇:自考00838语言与文化(B)章节笔记:Chapter 1(1)

下一篇:自考00838语言与文化(B)章节笔记:Chapter 1(3)