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2018-09-26 10:46来源:福建自考网

  51、Sunday is a good day to make the plan for the following week.
  52、The prince of Denmark tolk Hans Anderson to learn a useful trade like shoemaking because he thought that Anderson didn’t have the ability of writing plays.
  53、Anderson’s books were loved by many people because his books were full of every day truth,of wonder,of sad beauty,of humor.
  54、Sidney Poitier was later successful as he had a strong determination.
  55、The son that the dying old man held tightly was not his own son.
  56、Relatives who had nat spoken for years smiled at each other and promised to stay in touch.
  57、One thing was sure:you couldn’t help liking Henry Ground and his talent for making you laugh.
  58、What is missing in both self-esteem and money is productive work and a read contribution towards the happiness of others.
  59、Long-term happiness means continously creating values for others through your own honest,productive work.
  60、His father,poor man,could never understand why Henry did such crazy things.
